2022-23 AP Chemistry TA
Teacher's Assistant for the 2022-23 AP Chemistry class under Dr. Nick DeMello.
OHS Peer Tutor
Assistng fellow students of Stanford OHS in mathematics (Middle School Algebra, Precalculus, AP
Statistics) and science (Honors PHysics, AP Chemistry, Methodology Science - Biology).
OHS Math Competition Club
Participating in the OHS Math Competition Homeroom, where we cover advanced problems and topics
on a weekly basis.
OHS Chemistry Olympiad Club
Participating in the OHS Chemistry Olympiad Club, in which relevant problems and topics related
to the USNCO are discussed.
OHS Biology Olympiad Club
Participating in the OHS Biology Olympiad Club with group sessions covering topics that appear
in the USABO and beyond.
OHS Competitive Programming Circle
Participating in the OHS Competitive Programming Circle, which serves as a community for
students participating in the USACO and other platforms.
OHS Leadership and Activism Club
OHS Psychology and Philosophy Club